Summer Camps 2025
for 5-11 years olds
This year we will run the following sessions:
* July 21th - July 25th
* July 28th - August 1st
* August 4th - August 8th
ideas behind the project
Children are born architects and they love creating their own environments. This five days camp will expand their natural talents and interests. Using unconventional approach we will guide them to strengthen their observational and creative skills and use them for designing their own cities, houses, imaginary hideouts and landscapes.
The course will develop creativity, spatial thinking and understanding of the role of various senses in architecture and art.
Classes take place at a beautiful 4bid Gallery at OT301 right next to Vondelpark where many activities will take place.
This year we will focus even more on nature. We'll observe flora and fauna of Vondelpark and use our findings as a starting point for many of our projects. The camp will connect a botanical, architectural and artistic thinking.
What will we do during the camp?
This five days camp will allow your child to fully focus and develop their ideas from the initial concept to the final work. Each day will be divided into outdoor and indoor activities. We will use the area of Vondelpark for exploration to later bring materials, textures and sound recordings to the studio space. This collection will be used both as a source of inspiration/ starting point for activities and as a practical assembly of construction elements.
Despite the framework, each of our camps is a bit of a surprise... The most important part is children with their individual perspectives and talents. They often point to new, unexplored areas and our role is to give them tools to realize their visions.
In the middle of the week we will visit Stedelijk Museum, make sketches and get inspiration for the upcoming show that we will produce together.
The exhibition, will take place on Friday afternoon. Children will take part in its preparation including designing and making of promotional materials (leaflets, posters).
Main tasks during the camp will circulate around the two main projects: a 3-D project (model-making, building of a 1:1 scale environment/sculpture) and a 2-D one (developing a set of experimental drawings and paintings). We will test various materials and artistic techniques, work with light and shadow, textures and colours. Children will work individually as well as in groups.
Main goals of the camp include:
-creating projects from imagination (e.g. "Green city", "What if I was as small as an ant")
-completing projects based on observation and listening
-participating in performative activities and spatial games
-making maquettes, models and 1:1 scale environments
-experimenting with various art and architecture techniques
-increasing awareness of the surrounding elements of nature, sounds, textures and details,
-preparing exhibition including preparation of promotional materials
We hold our classes in small groups to be able to give individual attention to every child and adapt tasks to their particular interests.
As opposed to traditional schools, where children are divided by age, we believe that mixing different ages has a great impact on kids. You may wonder what your 10 years old child will do in the group with 8,7,6 and even 5 years olds... the fact is that they can learn a whole bunch of things from the younger participants! We try to point out to older children the qualities that the works of the the smaller ones' have, such as freedom of expression and genuineness of the artistic language. On the other hand, smaller kids can learn about precision and analytical approach from the older ones. Moreover, the tasks are adapted and challenging for all ages. They are based on imagination, sensitivity and creativity which makes them perfectly interpretable by everyone with an execution adapted to their skills and age.
how much is the camp?
The cost for the entire camp is €390
One day: €90
We ensure small groups to give individual attention to every child.
We have discounted prices for families with lower income. Please contact us for the details.
what's included in the cost?
The cost covers all the materials, such as drawing, painting and model-making materials as well as the exhibition costs.
The camp is led by professional artists and architects who give attention to each participant adapting tasks to their particular needs and talents.
how do I sign up my child?
Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to confirm your place and send you further information. Numbers are limited, so it’s best to sign up in advance to ensure a place. Refunds are only available for up to one month before the start of the course.

final exhibition 2018

My 10 year old son LOVES these workshops. They really stimulate the kids to think about their environment and be aware and creative in a different way. At the end of the course they exhibited their work in a real gallery setting, with as much attention given to the process and display as any artist would do. This had a big impact on how they saw their work and how seriously they took it. I would recommend the workshops to anyone with kids who have an interest in construction (or de-construction!), music, architecture, sounds, or who are just naturally very curious and looking for an activity 'outside the box'.
George Dean, leader of Amsterdam Kids Drama and Dance Classes

performing during exhibition at the end of a course

What are the bank details for payment?
Name: A E Nowicz
Bank: ING
Account number: NL31 INGB 0687 5965 72
what other languages do teachers speak?
We also speak Italian, French, Polish, some Greek and a little bit of Dutch.