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Architecture & Art Wednesdays 


course for 6-11 years old 


Wednesdays 15:00-16:30


October 2nd– December 17th 2019


what is the course about?


Children are born architects and they love creating their own environments. This course is aimed at those little architects who wish to expand their natural talents and interests. Using unconventional approach we guide them to strengthen their observational and creative skills and use them for designing their own cities, houses, imaginary hideouts and landscapes.

Our classes develop creativity, spatial thinking and understanding of the role of various senses in architecture. 


Classes take place at a beautiful art gallery 4bid next to Vondelpark. 

On the last day of the course, an exhibition will take place giving kids a chance to see their work exposed in a professional setting.



During the course kids will:


-experiment with various techniques of representing their observations and (spatial) ideas

-make models and one to one scale environments using a variety of  materials, textures, colours

-find out about a range of different drawing, print-making  and painting techniques 

-learn about materials

-think about using all their senses in their creative work

-learn how spaces can evoke different sensations

-use light and shadow as architectural tools

-increase awareness of the surrounding sounds, textures and details



We hold our classes in small groups to be able to give individual attention to every child and adapt tasks to their particular interests.


when are the classes?


Duration: October 2nd– December 18th 2019

(with a break on 23.11.2016)


Wednesdays 13:00-14:30



how much are the classes?


The cost for the whole period is €319 (€29 per 1,5 h class incl. materials) /second child in the group €287 


We have discounted prices for families with lower income. Please contact us for the details.




what's included in the cost?


The cost covers all the materials, such as drawing, painting and model-making materials as well as a final exhibition at a professional art gallery.

Each 1,5 hour session is led by a professional artist and an architect.


how do I sign up my child?


Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you to confirm your place. We need to have received your payment before the class for your child to attend. Numbers are limited, so it’s best to sign up in advance to ensure a place.


Your details were sent successfully!

What are the bank details for payment?


Name: A E Nowicz

​Bank: ING

Account number: NL31 INGB 0687 5965 72​


what other languages do teachers speak?


We also speak Spanish and a little bit of Dutch.

making maps of imaginary secret places


trying out different layout possibilities


end of the course exhibition


creating a maze

model based on a previously made drawing

Emma (aged 8) tests of different light settings

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